Bugatti Engineering - 'O' rings in the valve guides??

Описание к видео Bugatti Engineering - 'O' rings in the valve guides??

We took the Type 44 to Prescott at the weekend to the Bugatti garden party. A fun day and Ivan caught up with lots of old friends and acquaintances.
There was a bit of a rattle coming from the engine on the way home, which Ivan diagnosed as the 2 piece camshaft not being as tightly joined as it should be. So this week the cam box came off and John and Ivan investigated. Whilst the cam box was off they used the opportunity to implement a Shed Bodge to the exhaust valve guides, by machining internal grooves and fitting 'O' rings within them. Hopefully will stop it smoking when it starts up.

Thanks to Noel Skeats @noel_skeats_photography for some great photos. Apologies for the shaky Prescott footage (at the weekend the usual camera was still lost in the boot of the Ferrari)


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