Amish Explained | Who are the Amish? What do Amish believe? Lifestyle of the Amish Explained

Описание к видео Amish Explained | Who are the Amish? What do Amish believe? Lifestyle of the Amish Explained

You may have heard of the Amish, but who exactly are they and what do they believe in? In this short video we’ll dive into details of the Amish including their origins, beliefs, practices, lifestyle, and culture. Plus I've included some interesting facts about them too.

The Amish are a group of traditionalist Christian church fellowships with Swiss German Anabaptist origins. The Amish trace their roots to the Anabaptist movement, which emerged in the early 16th century during the Protestant Reformation. Anabaptists were part of the Radical Reformation, distinct for their practice of adult baptism, which opposed the common practice of infant baptism by other Christian groups.
The Amish are named after Jakob Ammann who lived from 1644 – 1730. He was a Swiss Anabaptist leader. In 1693, Ammann led a schism within the Swiss Brethren in Switzerland, Alsace, and the Palatinate, forming a more conservative faction that would come to be known as the Amish. The split was primarily over issues of church discipline, including the practice of social shunning of excommunicated members.

Watch the video to learn more about the Amish!

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