Embedding Videos, Interactive Multimedia and Quizzes in Pressbooks

Описание к видео Embedding Videos, Interactive Multimedia and Quizzes in Pressbooks

Now, you can add audio, video and quizzes to your Pressbooks books. Previously, if you wanted to include a video (or other embedded content) in Pressbooks, there were three ways to do it. The first was to include a link to the video, which worked well on the webbook but not anywhere else. Uploading the video or multimedia file into Pressbooks had the same problem, and was not the best use of Pressbooks' storage space.

So, as best practice, we recommended option three: including a screenshot and linking that to the resource hosted elsewhere on the web (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.). But now, when you embed a regular link to multimedia content, it will work in the webbook, AND will also degrade gracefully in non-web formats, such as the PDF for print and the ebook formats.

We've worked hard to find a solution to the display and behaviour of these elements in the non-web outputs. Now, you can embed video, audio, or interactive content into your book from select pre-approved hosting sites. In addition, if you include a video, audio, or other multimedia file in your book, Pressbooks inserts an appropriate visual placeholder for it in your non-web outputs, along with a link so that those readers can go to the resource on the Web.

Placeholders for interactive content or media elements in non-web formats, are accompanied with text and the URL of the element on the web. By default, all Pressbooks EDU networks will also include the H5P plugin, which has become popular among educational Pressbooks users to enable H5P interactive content such as quizzes.

Special thanks to eCampusOntario for supporting the development of this feature. Want PressbooksEDU? Email [email protected] Share this video

A transcript of this video is available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/16...


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