Regulating Act of 1773 | in Bengali | রেগুলেটিং অ্যাক্ট | Full Explain | Modern History | WBCS UPSC

Описание к видео Regulating Act of 1773 | in Bengali | রেগুলেটিং অ্যাক্ট | Full Explain | Modern History | WBCS UPSC

Regulating Act of 1773 | in Bengali | রেগুলেটিং অ্যাক্ট | Full Explain | Modern History | WBCS UPSC
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Indian History is a very important subject for those who are preparing for different competitive exams specially for WBCS and UPSC. We have started this video series specially for keeping in mind WBCS 2024 & WBCS 2025. These videos will also be helpful for other WBPSC exams, all RAILWAYS exams, SSC exams etc. Besides that, these videos will help the Indians to know about the History of India.

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