Описание к видео Stop Killing Games(DON'T BE FOOLED BY DEVELOPERS!)

This video is basically a response to the current "Stop Killing Games" initiative and especially the people opposing it.
As you may have already guessed by the title I fully support Ross Scott(Accursed Farms) and I'm ready to propose ideas for the betterment of the campaign because in all honesty publishers and studios alike have come up with more than one way to make players feel they don't own their games. Those tactics include: banning people from the title they paid for, including from singleplayer campaigns; requiring online connection at all times; wiping accounts for negligible misdemeanor; revoking their rights to access the copy they bought after using mods and a plethora of other motives that were never considered valid reasons to strip gamers of their right to use their purchases as they please in the not so distant past.

As I promised I'm leaving the links to the petition here and I hope we can keep the conversation going so that the initiative doesn't lose traction and fall off the YT algorithm far too soon.
The first link should do the trick and the second one is to keep track of how the petition's going across Europe.

One important thing to note is even though I've touched upon issues with the current gaming industry and game makers' abuse of power those problems are not listed in the FAQs of the petition! The aim of the initiative is to first and foremost preserve videogames so that players can access as many of their advertised features even after official servers' support for a said title is cancelled.


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