Economics for the Clueless Scientist 1 – How do we pay for it? with Stephanie Kelton & Fadhel Kaboub

Описание к видео Economics for the Clueless Scientist 1 – How do we pay for it? with Stephanie Kelton & Fadhel Kaboub

Professors Stephanie Kelton and Fadhel Kaboub join PSPDG for the first session of Economics for the Clueless Scientist, a crash course in cutting edge economics.

Whether it is universal healthcare, free college, or climate action, every proposal to improve the lives of ordinary people faces the vexing question: “But, how do we pay for it?”. Two scholars of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), Prof. Stephanie Kelton and Prof. Fadhel Kaboub will show us how governments tax, spend, and issue debt with the goal of maintaining a stable productive economy and funding important priorities such as infrastructure, education, and scientific research. We will learn about how MMT applies both to powerful and wealthy nations, such as the United States, as well as to the Global South.

00:48 Stephanie Kelton
26:31 Fadhel Kaboub
55:52 Q&A


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