Xavier 3rd VIII Rowing 2018

Описание к видео Xavier 3rd VIII Rowing 2018

The sequel to the original;    • Видео  

The three remaining members of last year's famous 3rd VIII, Hunter, Joey and Ned, recruited four new first-year year 12 rowers, and took two new year elevens to form the new 3rd VIII of 2018, with the goal to take the Xavier 3rd VIII to new heights.

Cox: Freddy Lisk.
Stroke: Hunter Targett
7: Axel Cortada-McCorkell
6. Harry Sestan
5. Joey Woodley
4. Ned Hicks
3. Luke Telford
2. Xander Gorman
Bow: Nick Ongarello

Many thanks to our coaches for making this year possible.

24/03/2018. Head of the river. Be there.


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