[ENG]《哈哈台街訪》台北閒人「英文名字」之謎!The mystery of the English name of people in Taipei. 🎤【不是地區的街訪EP7】|哈哈台

Описание к видео [ENG]《哈哈台街訪》台北閒人「英文名字」之謎!The mystery of the English name of people in Taipei. 🎤【不是地區的街訪EP7】|哈哈台

哈哈台街訪🎤這回訪問台北閒人英文名字的趣事,你身邊有幾個Candy、Angel、還是Ray、或Kevin呢?但不管怎麼說,本集MVP就獻給double kill的Joanne了啦❤哦~~可憐^_^

According to the 2018 EF English Proficiency Index report, Taiwan was ranked 48th out of 88 countries. Rate as “low proficiency”. Every child in Taiwan has at least one English name. Even in companies, people call each other by their English names. These English names usually come from fruits, sweets, months, and repetitive words. Let’s see what strange names we can find in Taipei City.

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【傳送門 Chapters】
00:00 前情提要
00:46 兩位分享英文名字的女同學
01:42 校園內的馬祖女孩
02:28 唱片公司的宣傳
03:32 民生社區的資深居民
04:17 三位閒聊的少女
05:05 旁邊的同學妓女名字
05:55 天使同學的秘密
06:12 語無倫次的Joanne
06:35 Joanne開婊
07:06 教英魔人廣告

#哈哈台 #哈哈台街訪 #英文名字特輯

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