battle scars || yugioh vrains

Описание к видео battle scars || yugioh vrains

i wasn't gonna public this till ab was over but eh what the hell. i'm really proud of this lmao

so here it is!!! my third attempt at an anime boston entry lmao... honestly, this one i kinda just said fuck it and went with what felt right? i wasn't trying to do anything different, i wasn't trying to make my best work ever or anything like that. i heard this song originally in one of lena's mep parts, and fell in love with it, and i really wanted to do a vrains amv with it lol that's literally.. it. i think the song fits the series really well, and i tried to show that -- tried to show the main characters finding hope and fighting back.

i always talk about how much vrains means to me, but i really can't overstate it enough. this series saved my life. it gave me the courage and drive to move forward after being stuck for so long. vrains didn't do the work for me, but it made me want to, which i think is so much more important. i fell so deeply in love with this world, these characters, their struggles and triumphs and relationships. i never thought i could connect with a show the way i do with vrains. fandom has been a big part of my life since basically the moment i was put in front of a computer for the first time (i seriously wish i was joking, but i started reading fanfic at like, 6), but no series has ever made me feel the way this show did. i will forever miss getting up early on wednesday mornings to watch new episodes, but the impact will never leave me. my KOH tattoo is over my heart, for that reason, haha.

the last time i did a big, general vrains video was for ab last year, but it focused more on dueling. i wanted to focus on what i love best about this show this time around, which is the characters, and i think it came out a lot better for it! i basically did this entire video in two sessions, lol, so there's obviously some things that maybe could look better, but i'm really happy with it nonetheless. i did each section by seasons, and tried to fit all my favorites moments in. i didn't manage to get all of them - three minute amv vs 120 episodes, lmao, but i think i did alright.

anyways tho.... i hope y'all like this. i know so many of you did not subscribe to see my bimonthly public cry fest over a fuckin card game anime, but i appreciate that you stick around anyways lmao. especially big appreciation shout out to the PCS crew, who not only listen to my constant sobbing over vrains, but ALSO have either already watched it or agreed to watch it soon for me lmao :') and who ON TOP OF THAT also watched this over for me before i submitted it and always support me so much and i love y'all really i'm gonna CRY

and of course also to kyle. the first words out of his mouth when he got home tonight were "show me the finished video" and i don't think i can explain to y'all how much that level of support and love means to me. get you someone who loves you unconditionally despite the fact that you're 23 and cry on a daily basis over gay card game nerds AND makes you dinner.

till next time, y'all


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