Viking Norman Conquest of England

Описание к видео Viking Norman Conquest of England

Viking Norman Conquest of England (Norman vs Anglo-Saxon)

845 CE - Viking fleet under Ragnar Lothbrok (Ragnar Loðbrók) invade West Francia and sack Paris.Charlemagne grandson, Charles the Bald ended the raid by paying large ransom to the Vikings.

865 CE - United Viking army from Denmark, Norway and Sweden invaded England under the kingdoms of Anglo-Saxons. The Viking army settled and create kingdoms in many parts of England.

876 CE - Viking fleet under Rollo (Hrólfr) landed on northern france and seize Rouen

911 CE - Viking fleet under Rollo lay siege of Chartres near Paris. Franks successfully defeated the Vikings. To end further hostility, Frankish King Charles the Simple granted Viking Rollo rule of Normandy as Duke in exchange of allegiance and military assistance.Viking who settled in France or Northman later become francizied and assimilated with the locals and later to be called Normans.

927 CE - King Æthelstan united Anglo-Saxon kingdoms and Vikings in britain either by force or diplomacy.Kingdom of England was created.

1060 CE - Duke William I, descendant of Rollo, had secured his control of Normandy, after became the Duke of Normandy in 1035.

1066 CE - King of England, Edward the Confessor died childless.Harold Godwinson was crowned as king of England in the next day.Harold weak legitimacy as King of England was challeged by rival claimant by Viking Harald Hardrada and Norman William I. all of them has Viking ancestry.

1066 CE - Norwegian King Harald Hardrada (Haraldr Harðráði) with his Viking army from Norway invaded Northumbria and defeated Anglo-Saxon Forces under Earl Edwin and Morcar(Battle of Fulford).English King Harold Godwinson manage to defeat the Vikings forces and kill Norwegian King Harald Hardrada (Battle of Stamford Bridge)

1066 CE - Norman forces under Duke William landed on England. Anglo-Saxon forces under King Harold quickly moving south to deal with Norman Invasion.Two armies met at Hastings, Norman forces initially was pushed back by the English.But Duke William successfully rallying retreating Norman army and turn the tide of the battle. Norman forces with superior cavalry successfully defeated Anglo-Saxon forces under King Harold Godwinson.

1066 CE - After emerge victorious, Duke William of normandy was crowned as King of England. Norman forces subdue remaining Anglo-Saxon territories.

1069 CE - Edgar Ætheling allied with Viking Sweyn II Estridsson from Denmark rebelled against Norman rule in Northern England and captured York.William I, King of England, managed to defeat the rebels under Edgar and strenghtening Norman control of England.

1070 CE - Rebellion also broke out in Le Mans, Normandy which force William return to Northern France and swiftly dealing with the rebellion.

1072 CE - Norman forces under William invaded Scotland in retaliation of Scottish invasion of Northern England. Normans defeated the Scots and ending the war with peace treaty.

1073 CE - William battling the rebellion in Brittany supported by other Frankish Nobility.William forces was defeated in the Battle of Dol by West Francia forces under Philip I.

1077 CE - Peasce treaty between William, King of England and Duke of Normnandy with Philip I, King of West Francia.

William was known as William the Conqueror after the successfull Norman conquest of England.He became King of England while holding the title Duke of Normandy, nominally under French king, Phillip I.William descendant continued to rule England and Normandy, sowing the conflict between France and England for centuries to come.

Music :
Adam Skorupa - Main Theme (Ancestors Legacy Soundtrack)
Adam Skorupa - Gravedancers of Odin (Ancestors Legacy Soundtrack)
Adam Skorupa - Hordes of the ZNorth (Ancestors Legacy Soundtrack)
Adam Skorupa - Morbid Admonition (Ancestors Legacy Soundtrack)
Adam Skorupa - Spirits of the Forefathers (Ancestors Legacy Soundtrack)


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