Family so chaotic you’ll fall in love❤️🥹| Behind The Scenes | GYM DATE with the “Kalras x Jaiswals”🤯

Описание к видео Family so chaotic you’ll fall in love❤️🥹| Behind The Scenes | GYM DATE with the “Kalras x Jaiswals”🤯

Special thanks to “EliteFit” by Dubai Dates Andheri Mumbai for hosting us in their fabulous gym ❤️🔥

Rishabh - ‪@BanarastoBombay‬
Shreya - ‪@Shreyakalraa‬
Shiwangi - ‪@shiwangijaiswalpurohit‬
Nishchal - ‪@Nishchal_Purohit‬


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