Vine Pruning, Defoliation and Thinning

Описание к видео Vine Pruning, Defoliation and Thinning

runing is one of the most important growing techniques of vine cultivation. Vine prunings are divided into two main categories: Shaping prunings and Balanced prunings

Shaping prunings include all the prunings required in order to train the vines and create their preferable shape. They are explained in the previous chapter.

Balanced prunings are further divided into:

Dormant pruning and Summer pruning

Farmers implement the dormant pruning in order to help the plant develop next season’s optimum fruiting versus sprouting balance.

During the dormancy period, after leaf fall and before bud break, producers remove a great amount of wood, leaving the vine with only a small number of buds. The exact number of buds left depends on the variety, the environmental and soil conditions. Generally, for some varieties like Cinsault, farmers prefer to prune slightly hard the vines, keeping 2-3 buds. On the other hand, for varieties such as the famous Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, they prefer to keep up around 10 buds.

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