Stone Island_SS’018_Alligator Camo

Описание к видео Stone Island_SS’018_Alligator Camo

Stone Island_SS ‘018_ALLIGATOR CAMO
Available starting from March 22nd _

The ‘’alligator’’ camouflage motif, inspired by the Polish military files, is developed in all product families, with mix fabric monocromatic details. The pattern has been hand painted, then photographed and printed with a series of techniques and 6 colours printing process: 5 pigment colours and 1 coloured polyurethane with raised rubberized aspect. Jackets and parkas are made in LIGHT COTTON-NYLON REP, a lightweight fabric made with a cotton warp and super fine nylon weft woven with a rep weave. Field jackets and bermudas in LIGHT COTTON-NYLON TELA. The theme is also applied to sweatshirts and t-shirts.

Il motivo mimetico ‘alligatore’, ispirato dagli archivi militari polacchi, viene sviluppato in tutte le famiglie di prodotto, associato a dettagli monocromatici mix fabric. Il pattern è stato dipinto a mano poi fotografato e stampato con una serie di tecniche e 6 colori: 5 a pigmento e 1 poliuretanico colorato, per un effetto spessorato gommato. Giacconi e parka sono realizzati in LIGHT COTTON-NYLON REP, leggero tessuto con ordito in cotone ritorto e una trama in finissimo nylon ad armatura reps. Le field jacket e i bermuda in LIGHT COTTON-NYLON TELA. Il tema è declinato anche su felpe e t-shirt.
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