WA-ASEAN Showcase | Marine Produce Australia

Описание к видео WA-ASEAN Showcase | Marine Produce Australia

In this showcase video, Andreas von Scholten, CEO of Barramundi Asia, outlines how the high quality and sustainability profile of Western Australian produce has spurred a surge of ASEAN investment in their Marine Produce Australia (MPA) business. Andreas also outlines why the ASEAN market is ideal for Western Australian businesses, and the benefit of developing more affordable export facilities in the north of Australia for WA products.

The Western Australia-ASEAN Trade and Investment Dialogue is an annual international engagement initiative of the Western Australian Government, delivered by the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, in partnership with the Perth USAsia Centre. The dialogue enables the Western Australian Government and business community to build stronger relationships with influential government, business and community leaders across the dynamic communities and markets of Southeast Asia.

A priority focus during the 2020 Dialogue will be driving new industry development, building secure and reliable agribusiness and energy partnerships, unlocking business investment opportunities, and planning today for tomorrow’s people-people and business-business reconnections.

Date and Time: November 16 – 20, 2pm daily.
Location: Online, register here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/2020-...


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