20. Ai, Skepticism, Bias.

Описание к видео 20. Ai, Skepticism, Bias.

Using AI Critically: Addressing Skepticism and Finding Truth
This video explores a thoughtful and in-depth conversation about the use of AI, particularly ChatGPT, and the critical process behind engaging with it effectively. The discussion addresses skepticism about AI, its limitations, and how to navigate potential biases while extracting valuable insights.

• Critical Use of AI: How AI can be one of many tools used for exploration, alongside lived experience, external resources, and logical reasoning.
• Bias and Trust: The balance between trusting AI outputs and critically filtering its information for alignment with individual goals.
• Misunderstandings of AI Usage: Why the depth of AI engagement is often overlooked or misunderstood, and how this impacts perceptions.
• Feedback Loops: Exploring how intentional interaction shapes AI outputs and reflects broader patterns of human interaction with technology.
• A Personal Lens: Insights into why critical thinking and transparency are essential when working with AI.

This video provides a nuanced perspective on the evolving relationship between humans and AI, offering valuable reflections on trust, discernment, and intentionality. Ideal for viewers interested in thoughtful discussions about technology and how it intersects with logic and self-awareness.

1. Critical Thinking in the Age of AI
This article from MIT Horizon explores the importance of critical thinking when interacting with AI tools, emphasizing the need for skepticism and verification.https://horizon.mit.edu/insights/crit...

2. Critical Thinking and AI
The Internet Public Library discusses how overreliance on AI can impact human learning and critical thinking skills, highlighting the importance of maintaining human judgment.https://www.ipl.org/div/machine-learn...

3. Building Trust in AI: Overcoming Consumer Skepticism Through Safe and Fair Practices
DataForce examines how AI is transforming business operations and consumer interactions, addressing concerns about trust, safety, and fairness in AI-driven products.https://www.dataforce.ai/blog/buildin...

4. AI and the 4 Cs: Critical Thinking
AVID Open Access provides insights into how AI can be integrated into educational settings to enhance critical thinking skills, emphasizing the role of AI in fostering deeper engagement.https://avidopenaccess.org/resource/a...

5. Building Trust In AI: How To Overcome Ethical Challenges
Forbes discusses the ethical challenges in AI, focusing on how transparency and a culture of ethical AI are essential for building trust among users.https://www.forbes.com/councils/forbe...

6. Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills with AI-Assisted Technology
Cambridge University Press explores how AI-assisted technology can enhance learners’ critical thinking skills, discussing both the benefits and uncertainties associated with AI in education.https://www.cambridge.org/elt/blog/20...

7. In AI We Trust — Too Much?
MIT Sloan Management Review examines the risks of overtrusting AI, highlighting the need for skepticism and regulation to ensure AI systems are used appropriately.https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/i...

8. Fostering Critical Thinking Skills for an AI-Infused World: A Comprehensive Toolkit
Harvard Graduate School of Education provides a toolkit for fostering critical thinking skills in an AI-infused world, emphasizing collaborative critical thinking and the role of AI-powered platforms in education.https://mepli.gse.harvard.edu/our-fel...

9. Can AI Be Trusted? 7% Rise In AI Optimism Challenges Ethical Concerns

10. How to Use Artificial Intelligence in the Critical Thinking Process addressing ethical considerations and the balance between AI capabilities and human judgment.https://criticalthinkingsecrets.com/h...

11. Information Processing in Data-Rich Environments: https://www.researchgate.net/publicat...


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