How to Download and Install Xampp Server in windows 11 in 2024 step by step guide

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How to Download and Install Xampp Server in windows 11 in 2024 step by step guide

To download and install XAMPP Server on Windows 11 in 2024, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Download XAMPP Installer
Visit the official XAMPP website: Go to the XAMPP official website.

Download the installer: Click on the "Download" button. Choose the version that matches your system's architecture (usually 64-bit for Windows 11).

Step 2: Run the Installer
Locate the downloaded file: Find the installer file in your Downloads folder.

Start the installation: Double-click the installer file to start the installation wizard.

Security warning: If Windows prompts you with a security warning, click "Yes".

Step 3: Select Components
Choose components: The installer will ask you to select the components you want to install. By default, Apache, MySQL, PHP, and phpMyAdmin are selected. Leave these as they are unless you have specific needs.

Next: Click "Next" to proceed.

Step 4: Choose Installation Folder
Installation directory: Decide where XAMPP will be installed on your computer. The default folder is usually C:\xampp. It’s best to leave this as is unless you have a reason to change it.

Next: Click "Next" to proceed.

Step 5: Start the Installation
Begin installation: Click the "Next" button to start the installation. The installer will copy the necessary files to your computer. This might take a few minutes.

Finish: Once the files are copied, the wizard will say it’s done. Click "Finish" to complete the installation.

Step 6: Open XAMPP Control Panel
Launch Control Panel: After the installation, you’ll get an option to start the XAMPP Control Panel. Check that box to open it.

Start Services: In the Control Panel, start Apache and MySQL by clicking "Start" next to each service. If they turn green, you’re good to go!

Step 7: Test Your Installation
Open your browser: Type localhost in your browser’s address bar.

Access XAMPP dashboard: You should see the XAMPP dashboard, indicating that your local server is running successfully.

Additional Tips
Run as Administrator: Always run the installer and Control Panel as an administrator to avoid permission issues.

Disable UAC: Temporarily disable User Account Control (UAC) to prevent interruptions during the installation.

Firewall Settings: Allow Apache and MySQL through your firewall if you’re having trouble starting services.


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