Discover the Secrets of EFT Tapping for Mind-Body Harmony!

Описание к видео Discover the Secrets of EFT Tapping for Mind-Body Harmony!

This morning during my live @InsightTimerApp session, a participant shared a profound insight: a conflict between her mind and body. It reminded me of a powerful EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) tapping method I learned over 20 years ago from my mentor. This technique has been a game-changer for balancing my mind and body, as well as my left and right brain dominance.

Here's the secret EFT tapping routine Sue taught me, known as "The X's":

1. Activate the Thymus
2. Navel Hold
3. Complete the X
4. Cross Lines
Repeat this process daily for 30 days to balance the conflict within your mind and body. It's simple yet incredibly effective! 🌿

💡 Pro Tip: Start each session with the affirmation, "I am receptive to being neutral," to set a non-confrontational and open mindset.

Read more about EFT Tapping here:
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