PHP with Laravel for beginners - 17 - Laravel Blade templating engine - Master layout setup

Описание к видео PHP with Laravel for beginners - 17 - Laravel Blade templating engine - Master layout setup

PHP is one of the most popular and developer-friendly programming languages that can help you create responsive
and engaging websites and mobile applications. This open-source programming language is feature-rich and a huge competitor
of Microsoft’s ASP.Net. If you are a web developer who specializes in making dynamic web applications, learning PHP will equip you with a brighter future.

Why is Laravel so popular? Because once you learn it, creating complex applications are easy to do, because thousands of other people have created code
we can plug (packages) into our Laravel application to make it even better.

What inside of PHP with Laravel for beginners Cource

Lets start with the fundamentals
Downloading Laravel
Installing it with composer
Lets also use Laravel Homestead
We learn about Routes, Controllers, views, models, migrations, template engines, middleware and more
Lets learn the CRUD, create, read, update and deleting data
Wait, lets also learn the CRUD with all the ELOQUENT relationships,

Lets learn so database stuff

One To One
One To Many
One To Many (Inverse)
Many To Many
Has Many Through
Polymorphic Relations
Many To Many Polymorphic Relations
Querying Relations
Relationship Methods Vs. Dynamic Properties
Querying Relationship Existence
Querying Relationship Absence
Counting Related Models
Inserting & Updating Related Models
The save Method
The create Method
Belongs To Relationships
Many To Many Relationships

Let me break down some things from the projects.
Authentication system
Multi-users with roles, Admins, subscribers and whatever you want
User profiles
Uploading photos, multi pictures
Multiple input selections
User, CRUD
Category CRUD
Photo CRUD
Pretty URL’s
Commenting system, reply system with tree
Disqus commenting system
Sessions, and flash messages
Email Sending
EMAIL testing
Lots more, too many to list

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