"Exile Vilify" Contest Entry (PORTAL2NATIONALEXILE)

Описание к видео "Exile Vilify" Contest Entry (PORTAL2NATIONALEXILE)

The product of over two weeks of near-nonstop hard work, this is my entry for the Exile Vilify music video contest, as found on thinkwithportals.com!

(I was dumb, and thought "Nah, I won't enter" when I first saw the contest, even though I had the idea. That put me over a week behind when I finally convinced myself to try!)

There are over 100 individual images, all hand-drawn by me on Photoshop Elements, with use of a Bamboo Tablet. If anyone is curious, the 'story' of the video, or the 'main idea' of it was to use a messy, sketchy style (yes, that's done on purpose! :) ) tell the story of Portal 2, while conveying a sense of friendship, apology, and forgiveness between Wheatley and Chell, and tying the entire story back to Doug Rattman.

I know there are some mistakes, but I hope everyone enjoys this, I put a lot of hard work into it! ^_^

I do not own Portal, Portal 2, the characters or the story, they are property of Valve. I do not own the song "Exile Vilify," it is is property of The National.

I do own all the artwork in this video.


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