Pornography: The Great Hidden Sin (Sermon #1)

Описание к видео Pornography: The Great Hidden Sin (Sermon #1)

Sermon by Pastor Jim Woldhuis from Chippewa Valley Bible Church where we believe that by Loving God, Loving People, Lives will be changed and the captives will be set free. In this first of two sermons, Pastor Jim exposes the problem of pornography and real people give real testimonies of the destruction and pain caused by this sin. CVBC's goal is to expose this great hidden sin for the lie that it is and bring captives into the light. Though the journey to freedom will be painful, Christ Jesus can truly set all captives free - whether you are the one stuck in this sin, you are the on hurt by someone in this sin, or you simply want to learn steps to stay away from this sin which so easily entangles, this sermon is for you. Hear about Christ's plan and how He is greater than the sin of pornography and truly will set ALL CAPTIVES FREE!


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