Blitzball announcer reminisces about Jecht - Final Fantasy X HD Remastered PS4

Описание к видео Blitzball announcer reminisces about Jecht - Final Fantasy X HD Remastered PS4

"I was in a coffee shop, running away from home when I heard the news; our hero, Jecht.
Gone. Vanished into thin air.

My dad must have been his biggest fan.
I knew how sad he'd be. Heck we all were that day.
'Zanar' I says to myself 'what are you thinking?'
I went running straight back home.
We sat up talking 'bout Jecht all night.
My dad and I never talked so much.
Whoa... Didn't mean to reminisce folks.

Anyway, ten years later, the Jecht Memorial Cup Tournament is today!
The two teams that have won through to the finals are of course the Abes
from A-East and the Duggles from C-South. I know there's a lot of people
out there today to see the star of the Abes! In just one year, he's become
the team's number one player! He's Jecht's blood and the new hope of blitzball!
What kind of super play will he show us today? Will we see his father's
legendary shot? I don't think I'm the only one excited here folks!"


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