Kirk/Spock - Dearly

Описание к видео Kirk/Spock - Dearly

Another angsty one. I swear I have some happy, bouncy vids in various stages of completion on my hard drive - it probably says something profound about me that I can't seem to finish them...

I realized as I was making this vid that it's inspired by T'Lara's wonderful sonnet cycle, "Before You Slip Into Unconsciousness" which everyone should read here (all of it, but the sixth sonnet is the one that prompted the vid)

So, yeah, it's another vid dealing with The Motion Picture - what can I say? I love its slashy little socks. And what's an angst-junkie Spirker supposed to do with all of those wonderfully wistful and pained looks the boys keep throwing out all over the place throughout the whole 2 hours? I wanted to explore the reasons why Spock might have taken himself off to Gol, especially since it's clearly eating him up inside all the way through the movie until the sickbay scene. So it's a short, angsty little vid that posits an extended emotional wrestling match between the boys in the way that two people who are madly in love sometimes can't stop themselves from hurting each other. Oh yeah. It angsts HARD.

Plus, I heard the song and immediately went "K/S!" But that's not unusual. It's "Dearly" by Atherton.

No copyright infringement intended! I'm super-aware that I own nothing and I just play about with these things because I love them more than is healthy...


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