AoV: MALOCH GAMEPLAY | BEST BUILD |펜타 스톰 - 傳說對決 , Arena of Valor

Описание к видео AoV: MALOCH GAMEPLAY | BEST BUILD |펜타 스톰 - 傳說對決 , Arena of Valor

Gem board for Maloch

Red Gem: 10 Attack Speed/Health/Armor

Purple Gem: 10 Health/Heal/Running Speed

Blue Gem: 10 Armor/Magic Armor

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Master RoV:
   / @chickenplus9192  

RoVThailand [ wukong ]:
   / @asgaming7892  

RoVThailand [ raz ]:
   / @rovthailandraz7727  

RoVThailand [ Wisp ]:
   / @rovthailandwisp4606  

NCS - No copyrightSounds:
   / nocopyrightsounds  



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