Описание к видео TRINITY en ELLY & RIKKERT - WERELDVREEMD (Official Music Video)

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Beleef de andere kant van de wereld bij jou in de buurt. Laat je verwonderen tijdens een muzikale ontdekkingsreis door Europa, Zuid-Amerika en Afrika: een kleurrijke mix van Elly & Rikkert-liedjes en het warme, aanstekelijke Trinity geluid. Een feestelijke reis voor jong en oud. Toegang vanaf 4 jaar voor iedereen die wereldwijs wil worden!

CAMERA - Bernhard Vreugdenhil en Sietse van der Molen
MONTAGE video - Bernhard Vreugdenhil
MONTAGE tekst - Hessel Stuut
WERELDVREEMD - Tekst & muziek Trinity en Elly & Rikkert
ACCORDEON - Ilse Roskam

Wereldvreemd is a song about the music we (Trinity) grew up with as kids, Bert in the Netherlands and the Smelt brothers in Peru. When we were little kids we listened to the popular Dutch duo Elly & Rikkert (the older couple in the video). Through their songs we were taught many Dutch words, and by listening to those songs the Smelt brothers already had a connection with the strange country their parents came from (the Netherlands) and its people, on the other side of the world, before we moved back there. After moving back, we discovered that because we had roots in two countries with such vastly different cultures we were slightly unworldly or otherworldly (wereldvreemd) because we ended up being different from people in both countries, but also worldly wise (wereldwijs) because of this unique dual perspective on things. This is how we formed Trinity, initially blending music styles from Peru and Europe, but now blending music styles from all over the world. This is what gives us our unique sound. If you like it, I'd recommend that you check out our latest albums Desert Rain and Mundo.


Trinity: We grew up far from here. In Peru, a beautiful country, on the other side, the other side of the world.
E&R: We toured around, singing everywhere. Our old van was a strange contraption, on the other side, the other side of the world.
Trinity: And through the songs that we were singing we already were connected with the far and unknown Netherlands.

'Cause we are unworldly, yet also worldly wise. Travellers and dreamers of a heavenly paradise.
We are unworldly, yet also worldly wise. Every day on an expedition.

E&R: we sang songs ten thousand times on the streets and in big venues, on the other side of the world.
Trinity: That was the music we grew up with like an audience from far away, on the other side of the world.
E&R: And through the songs that you were hearing, you were learning all those words. Songs from the far other side.


Rap: being unworldly is really not that bad. You know, the world is pretty much upside down. Whether you’re here or there, we are there for each other. In Lima, South America, or somewhere in Europe. A bunch of young guys, a grandma and a grandpa. Here and there, we belong together. And we'll keep on singing, we won't stop. Als long as we believe in a world that's upside down!

... Will you join us on our expedition?

(Spoken): All aboard!


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