WDSF GrandSlam Belgrade Standard 2024 | Semifinal Tango

Описание к видео WDSF GrandSlam Belgrade Standard 2024 | Semifinal Tango

WDSF GrandSlam Series Adult Standard 2024, Belgrade, Serbia. Semi-Final round, Tango, heat 2.
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1. Alexey Glukhov - Anastasia Glazunova MDA
2. Tomas Fainsil - Violetta Fainsil GER
3. Cojoc Rares - Matei Andreea ROU
4. Dariusz Mycka - Madara Freiberga POL
5. Yuan Shaoyang - Qi Chongxuan CHN
6. Marco Bodini - Kristina Charitonovaite LTU

Watch top-level dancers from around the world compete in this prestigious event, demonstrating their skill, precision, and passion in this beautiful ballroom dance. The International Tango is a powerful dancesport style, characterized by sharp movements, intense energy, and dramatic expression. Known for its strong, staccato actions and close hold, this dance demands precision and connection, making it a captivating part of any ballroom competition.

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