Step by Step: A Worship Jam Sacred Circle Dance Tutorial

Описание к видео Step by Step: A Worship Jam Sacred Circle Dance Tutorial

Step by Step: written and taught by Gail Ransom
Demonstrated by members of the Worship Jam
At First United Methodist Church of Pittsburgh, PA

Step by step and round and round, carry me to holy ground.
Center is calling, Earth still revolving; Something lost and something found.

Worship Jam is a Creation Spirituality community that gathers in a circle every Wednesday evening at First United Methodist Church of Pittsburgh to co-create worship through improvisation, play, spontaneity and creativity. We connect with our Creator, our deepest selves, and the eternal wisdom that shapes the universe through chant, prayer, drumming, and sacred circle dancing. We are pleased to offer these sacred circle dance tutorials for you to use in your own community.

What is Creation Spirituality?
Creation Spirituality reveres and celebrates the universe as a wholly integrated manifestation of divine creativity, from the first burst of matter 14 billion years ago to the way we live our lives today. It experiences God as creative energy, Christ as transforming energy, and Spirit as connective energy throughout all time and space. Creation Spirituality advocates the aligning of ourselves with divine wisdom through embodying the organizing principles of the cosmos: compassion, communion, and love-justice as found in all life forms, and to the universal paradigm of life-death-and-resurrection. It has been voiced most powerfully for our generations by the revolutionary theologian, priest, and prophet, Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox.


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