Aventon Sinch.2 & Aventure.2. Are the perfect all season e-bikes!

Описание к видео Aventon Sinch.2 & Aventure.2. Are the perfect all season e-bikes!

Ron & Gabriella from London, Ontario were on the hunt for a couple of e-bikes that would be fun, handle a little off road action, affordable & super comfy. After a lot of research & test drives they settled on the ‪@AventonBikesVideos‬ Sinch.2 fat fold & Aventure.2 fat tire. These e-bikes can handle the road, trails, mud, snow or hard-packed sand with ease. #hamiltonelectricbikes #ebike #fattirebike #foldingebike #ebikelovers #ebikelifestyle #ebikeowners #ebikeadventures


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