Frozen Let It Go - Japanese Lyrics Singalong + translation and original English

Описание к видео Frozen Let It Go - Japanese Lyrics Singalong + translation and original English

Hello Youtube

Authors note: I wanted to let you know I've made a couple horrible mistakes, and I'm now working on the corrections, so people if you see any mistake or that should actually be written differently in kanji (instead of the kanji I used) please let me know ^_^ My Japanese still isn't so good to figure out mistakes well enough ^^;

It's been a while since I uploaded an actuall song with lyrics.
Here is again a song.
First things first the disclaimer:
Frozen belongs to Disney Animation studio's. such does the song.
The Lyrics come from somewhere around google.
The singalong of the Japanese lyrics belongs to me :)
I used my current Japanese skills to see if I understood a bit of the charcters, and I hope I did a good job making the characters bob along with the correct romanji :)

It took me 3 days to make it and I hope you enjoy it... I tried to make it HD not sure if it worked

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