Knee Pain Relief with Chiropractic Adjustment Oakland Chiropractor

Описание к видео Knee Pain Relief with Chiropractic Adjustment Oakland Chiropractor

Dyllon has runner's knee after a 10 mile run and pain in the knee with squatting.
How Chiropractic Adjustments Fixed his Knee Pain.

Here we show you how we assess a runners squat, knee, and pelvis to help him relieve his knee pain.
With this patient did a 1-week follow-up to assess the improvement of his knee pain, squat mechanics, and pelvis function.

Dyllon had severe pain in his knee after a ten mile trail run which was limiting his ability to walk and squat.

During the initial assessment we noticed dysfunction of his right sacroiliac joint, decreased hip extension, and limited ability of his tibia to rotate under the femur due to external rotation of his tibia (lower leg bone).

We also noted a hypertonicity (contraction) of the quadricep musculature above his knee cap causing an upward pulling of the knee cap.

Adjustments Performed:
3:55 Posterior Fibula - Take out external rotation of tibia
4:15 Anterior Superior Ilium - Balanced pelvis and Improved hip extension
6:25 Internal Rotation of Tibia with Drop Board - Improve mechanics of tibia
6:40 Superior Patella - Improved mechanics of patella and discharge muscle insertion for relaxation of quads
6:55 Break-Up Contracted Quad Muscles - Allows patella to track properly and decrease pulling on tibia
7:58 Improved Squat Depth and Decreased Pain
10:25 Superior Patella (again) with Drop Board
11:50 Anterior Superior Ilium

During his 1-week follow up he noted a dramatic decrease in his knee pain, no more knee pain and the ability to run without pain.

We assessed his function again, and noted a superior restriction of his knee cap and decreased hip extension on his right leg.

This is something we will continue to follow-up with as he continues to push his performance and increase his running mileage.

Dr. Jordan Fairley
The Source Chiropractic - Oakland CA


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