Pushkar Camel Fair 2018 || Pushkar Mela in Rajsthan || World famous Pushkar Fair in Rajasthan ||

Описание к видео Pushkar Camel Fair 2018 || Pushkar Mela in Rajsthan || World famous Pushkar Fair in Rajasthan ||

Please watch: "GWMW GWTHANG NWNGNI || गोमो गोथां नोंनि || New Bodo Video 2019-2020"
   • GWMW GWTHANG || gwmw gwthang bodo son...   -~-
#Pushkar #MelaFair #InRajasthan

Welcome to our Bodo Music Video channel. We will make surprised bodo language videos and do live streams on YouTube Video and if you like what we do here don't forget to subscribe and stay tuned for more videos ! The Bodo Video channel "SIMANG PRESENTATION" which is broadly focused on bodo songs, music videos. Recreation of bodo music videos is mostly done and also promote anything that brings in to promote the culture of bodo music community. Follow our channel and stay updated for more exciting videos. You can share your videos and song through this channel on YouTube for promotion. Also you can gain 50% benefit from on your share. The aim of Channel publicity of Bodo Language Lyrics, Singer, Artist and Musician (Boro Rao Geolangthwng). For more Bodo Video you can visit our website on http://www.simangpresentation.in, www.bodonews.info and http://www.bodopress.com. Thanks

Hello Freinds, आज हमारे 1 लाख परिवार के प्यार और सपोर्ट की वजह से। हमारे चैनल "Simang TV" Simang Presentation का वीडियो NO.10 पर चल रहा है। हमें उम्मीद है के आप इसी तरह हमरे हर Videos को Share करते रहेंगे और हमारे हर Video को STRANDING PAGE पर आते रहेंगे शुक्रिया.... धन्यवा

बे चैनल आव बर राव जों खन्नाय चलो, मेथाइ, मोसानाय आरो सावथून फोरखौ गेवलांगयेे फोस्रावनाय जायो | लोगोसे लिरगिरि संगीरी सावथूनगिरि फोरखौ Promotion खालामनाय जायो | आरोबौ नोंथां मोनखौ गौरेेयेे खावलायनाय जायोदि, बे चैनेल खौ Subscribe खालामनानेे बड़ो हारीनि मूंखौ जौगास्रां आरो देरहासार ख़ालाम होथों, नोंथां मोननि सिम हाबिला थाबाय | गोजोन्थों | Simang Presentation

#Boroni #Thwi #Dwngbla

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Website : www.simangpresentation.in,


www.bodopress.com and www.bodonews.info


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