Korean Braised Pig’s Feet (Trotters) | Jokbal: 족발 | 여러번 도전한 결과! 드디어 찾았어요! 족발 황금레시피! |

Описание к видео Korean Braised Pig’s Feet (Trotters) | Jokbal: 족발 | 여러번 도전한 결과! 드디어 찾았어요! 족발 황금레시피! |

In Korea, this is typically a midnight “snack”. Something you order when you find yourself hungry and with nothing to eat at home. How fun would it be if we had the same delivery system as Korea. Surprisingly, this food also has great health benefits! It’s filled with collagen and it’s great for your skin!~ 여러번 도전한 결과! 드디어 찾았어요! 족발 황금레시피! 자극적이지 않아서 맛있게 많이 먹을 수 있어요.

Thanks for watching! Don’t forget to subscribe and click the “like” button if you like what you see! And leave us a comment about other foods you want to see. We have a ton of videos coming your way!

Things you need!

cutting board 도마
knife 칼
pot 냄비
tongs 집게
big bowls 큰그릇
disposable razor 일회용면도기
plastic cooking gloves 비닐장갑
plate 접시
measuring cups & spoons 계량컵 & 스푼

pig's foot or thigh 돼지족
vodka or soju 소주 또는 보드카
water 물
soy sauce 간장
cooking wine (mirim) 맛술
garlic clove 마늘
ginger 생강
radish 무
green onion 대파
apple 사과
sugar 설탕
instant coffee 인스턴트커피
soy bean paste 된장
cinnamon 계피
bay leaves 월계수잎
star anise 팔각
sesame oil 참기름
lettuce 상추
sesame leaves 깻잎
jalapeño 청고추
ssamjang 쌈장
salted shrimp sauce 새우젓

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