Underwater Sea Glass Hunting in Caves

Описание к видео Underwater Sea Glass Hunting in Caves

In this video LC and Ky take some friends from Denmark on a sea glass hunting adventure in Bonaire. Ky finds loads of sea marbles and sea coins in this one and even does some snorkeling for treasure. Check out how many marbles he is able to find underwater! Afterwards Ky takes his finds and friends back to his ship to show everything close up and get some feedback on the trip from the Danes. Enjoy!

Follow our journey sea glass hunting and adventuring around the world as we sail our boat from island to island in search of treasure laden beaches.

Captain Ky the Sea Glass Guy is a world renowned sea glass hunter who is circumnavigating the planet with his dog finding all of the greatest sea glass beaches no one has ever seen before. He sold his cave farm in Hawaii to sail from country to country searching for treasure, but his ship was struck by lightning causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage. His boat, The Emerald of Pleiades, is in its final stages of repair on an island off the coast in Venezuela and he will be setting sail to continue the adventure soon.

Ky sells the sea glass he finds to pay for ship repairs on his Facebook sales page Facebook.com/SunsOutTonguesOut and you can read more about his adventures as a fire fighter, a combat medic in Iraq, and about his cave farm at KyPirate.com

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#LCsglass #sunsouttonguesout


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