Very rare and interesting insight into the LA revival of 1906 from people that were actually there ! Both were healed from serious health problems and have powerful testimonies to share. This interview was made in the early 1970's

Sister Maddie and Brother Lawrence testifies of the power of the Holy Ghost that fell on Azusa Street in 1906, some of the last witnesses that were alive.

Sister Maddie was totally deaf and God healed her and now she can hear. Brother Lawrence was healed of tuberculosis through the prayer of Faith.

Sister Maddie explains that the main experience that attracted the people was when people would start to speak in tongues, they heard them speak in there own language, the Japanese and the Chinese and all different nationalities heard the gospel preached to them in their own language cause the Spirit of God Filled them and knew what the people were talking and were saved.

Sister Maddie says that they were never a distinction on race, no one ever said that "your black, or you are white" but we were children of God, praising him for all of his Love, His Mercy, His Kindness, for His Healing.

Sister Maddie said that they taught as doctrine that you must be converted, then sanctified, then God would fill you on a sanctified life with his Holy Spirit.

Brother Lawrence said that every gift that was in the scripture was practiced right in Azusa Missions. (Healing, Prophecy, Speaking in Tongues, Interpretations)

Brother Lawrence says "We never heard the expression, "we are going to have a white preacher preach for us today", it was always, Brother So and So will be preaching, and the people began in their hearts to say "Give Power to Your Word".

Sister Maddie says that Jesus was the center of the revival and "Oh How I Love Jesus was the main song", and that they hung crutches on the walls from people that were healed. Many times people were healed by just being pray for without laying on of hands

Sister Maddie says they had an upper room that people would go and tarry, and it was never empty and people were praying for somebody in there Day and Night all the time.

Brother Lawrence explains how a typical services at Azusa Missions would take place. They would open the service with Prayer, but didn't have a specified time of the length of the prayer, whenever the Spirit of the Lord would lift from the prayer we'll get up, sometime the prayer would continue on for 1/2 hour or longer, and it wasn't the preacher that prayed his short prayer but it was the People that got together and Prayed Aloud.

Sister Maddie says the cause of the division was over doctrine, because men got proud and thought they could do things, instead of the Holy Spirit doing things, and anytime men gets so proud like they did at that time, it just breaks up something, but thank God it doesn't break up the Love Of God. They were such the Love of God in this group that you never knew what you were, whether you were Black, White, Green or Grizzly, the love of God was so great.

Sister Maddie said Brother William Seymour had a way of knowing when something was not of the Lord and controlling that. Brother Seymour would stomp his feet and stomp his feet while praying up stairs and somebody would stand up and say "The Spirit Isn't Right in the Place" and Brother Seymour would pray and pray until the Spirit of God would calm everything down so beautiful. Evil spirits would come but the ministers would pray and claim the Blood of Jesus and it would cast the spirits out of the way.

Sister Maddie said Sunday school was wonderful and the Children loved Sunday School cause the Teachers Loved them. The Children were saved and filled with the Holy Ghost as they sat with their parents. The Spirit of the Lord would fall on the Children they would prophecy and sound just like older people, it was a Mature Word, real Words, and we knew that God was using them


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