Let's play Hyperspace Invader - Full Walkthrough (Improved)

Описание к видео Let's play Hyperspace Invader - Full Walkthrough (Improved)

This is my improved and full gameplay of Hyperspace Invader. I actually did this replay a few days ago, but I struggled to ilumine the game since the game has an unfixable glitch that prevents illumination of the game during playing. For all who are looking for the earlier version of Hyperspace Invader, it's called v1.0, and you can downloaded it on one of these links: 1st Link: https://mega.nz/file/G1wyQRqJ#Js6kL3c.... 2nd Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VrXy.... And the registration code for that version is 0IXAcrGOS6BFIfpj5JnsbQrZiS nwhDGZy7bIgHS0uBNUuVzFA5Kt y1B4FJJTnMRNqYQ7jP8Wgpv2tQ GVT+DNMMo5QMs/MckC+pbv5uxl eDFllYdt68BUBkMNB73nbNVWYN sXnFgXwDo0/RZbIP1pMdQspp9Q cbMNqa2GY2Q1MuUp=. Once you type the code when you press Already Paid to enter the registration code, Hyperspace Invader will work as full version. Most dangerous enemies in Hyperspace Invader are Uglymutors which sometimes fire Neutron Missiles (pink missiles) and deploy Neutron Mines (orange ones). Maceptors which fire three Smart Missiles (green missiles) in a spread shot. Baduroids which fire three Neutron Missiles in a spread shot if you are in front of them, and Nitro Missiles (red missiles) at your current location. Dumperoids which rapidly fire yellow-green laser bullets which single shot can take a fair chunk of your health along with three Neutron Missiles. Copleroids which constantly fire Nitro Missiles at you either in a single shot or in multi-spread shot. Freelanders which fire blue energy cannonballs at you. Hunters which fire orange energy cannonballs at you. Rocket Turrets which fire Small Missiles (red missiles with pink trail) that move really fast and home in onto you. Mobile versions of Quad Laser Turrets (which appear only in 4th episode) which can rapidly fire yellow-green laser bullets at you. Flash Turrets which fire electric laser beam at you when you are in their range. Big Gun Turrets which fire golden laser bullets at you which are more powerful than yellow-green laser bullets. Best primary weapons to use are Quad Laser Gun (green gun) for it's spread when upgraded. Annihilator Gun (purple gun) for it's semi-homing capabilities when upgraded. And Flash Gun (sky-blue gun) for it's massive damage output. Best extra weapons to use are Nitro Missiles and Smart Missiles for their homing capabilities. Neutron Missile and Big Torpedo Missile (blue-indigo missiles) for their very high damage output. Super Bomb (red bomb) and Light Bob (blue bomb) which can deal heavy damage to enemies in a big area. And Plasma Pack (grey metallic device which fires blue-white plasma bullets in a circular spread when it explodes without colliding into enemies) for it's spread capabilities and high damage.


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