Special Dreamcast Arcade Stick

Описание к видео Special Dreamcast Arcade Stick

I got this stick about 3 years ago from a local used game store for around $80. At the time, I didn't think there was anything particularly special about it, just that it had the marvel 2 faceplate in it. It was only later that I look around online and couldn't find it, and only later still that I actually opened it up and looked inside.

It's modded with Sanwa buttons and a Sanwa stick. I'm not sure what the specifics of them are but if you're interested leave a comment and I'll open it again. Shoutout to whoever it was who modded this controller before I got it.

I've used this stick to play lots of 3rd Strike, Soulcalibur, and ofc Mahvel 2 on my Dreamcast. I recently copped the Mayflash F300 to play on multiple platforms, mostly for 3rd Strike. I'll def continue to use that fightstick whenever I play on Dreamcast though, esp since I know how special it is now :)


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