John Wayne and Susan Hayward Died for the Conqueror

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The 1956 film The Conqueror starred legendary actors John Wayne and Susan Hayward. The film follows John Wayne, who plays the Mongol chief Genghis Khan. He falls in love with the daughter of the leader of Tartar, and he kidnaps her, which begins a brutal war. The exciting plot and talented cast meant that many people were excited for the film's release.

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Unfortunately, despite a relatively successful performance at the box office, The Conqueror would go down in history as one of the worst movies ever created. It is widely considered by critics to be one of the worst films released during the 1950s, and it was also listed in the book The Fifty Worst Films of All Time, which was released in 1978. After his death, lead actor John Wayne was even given a Golden Turkey Award, an accolade that is granted to especially bad performances.

Before production of The Conqueror began, John Wayne was flying high in his career. After reading the script, he desperately wanted the role, and began lobbying for it. The production crew finally relented, but critics insist that the casting of John Wayne was a huge mistake. Despite his immense talent as an actor, John Wayne simply wasn't suited to the role. Had somebody else been cast to play Genghis Khan, perhaps the movie wouldn't have been such a flop.

Of course, actors can't be successful all the time, and despite all the bad press he earned for his role in The Conqueror, John Wayne would still go on to win his Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in the 1969 film True Grit. The Conqueror was certainly a humble experience for John Wayne, who at the time was used to constant praise from critics and fans. Sometimes our failures are just as important as our successes, and John Wayne no doubt learned a lot from the movie.

Today, The Conqueror is largely remembered as nothing more than a joke. It was a huge cinematic flop and undoubtedly a failure for many reasons. However, what many people don't know is that the true history of The Conqueror is far more sinister. After the film was released, a series of tragic deaths were linked back to the movie's creation, and producer Howard Hughes was so wracked with guilt that he spent $12 million to purchase every existing copy of the film.

In today's video, we're going to talk about the dark past of The Conqueror, as well as the lives and legacies of the two lead actors. Make sure you stick around, because we're going to reveal how John Wayne and Susan Hayward ultimately gave their lives for the film. We hope you like this video, and don't forget to subscribe to Facts Verse for more!

John Wayne and Susan Hayward Died for the Conqueror
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