Ganassi Alto recorders in F & G by Bob Marvin, currently for sale

Описание к видео Ganassi Alto recorders in F & G by Bob Marvin, currently for sale

For Sale - Demo video of an F and G Ganassi model recorder by Bob Marvin. These are pitched at A=411. These are beautiful instruments made in the mid 1980s and were part of Bob Marvin's solo recorder kit which includes a van Eyck, a Ganassi, a Bassano alto, and a transitional tenor. These are all exceptionally rare recorders. The Ganassi recorders, in particular use special fingerings as I explain in my introduction.

I don't really have proper repertoire for the time around 1535 when Ganassi's treatise was published so I have chosen a couple of pieces of Jacob van Eyck.

:06 Introduction
3:50 Daphne on F alto
5:38 Ach Moorderesse on F alto
7:10 Tweede Lavignione on F alto
9:45 Sarabanda on G alto
11:28 Ben Heureus on G alto
13:05 Daphne on G alto

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