Chemical coordination and regulation mcq Lecture 4

Описание к видео Chemical coordination and regulation mcq Lecture 4


Chemical coordination and regulation: Endocrine glands and hormones; Human endocrine s ystem-Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Pineal, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Gonads; Mechanism of hormone action (Elementary Idea); Role of hormones as messengers and regulators, Hypo-and hyperactivity and related disorders (Common disorders eg. Dwarfism, Acromegaly, Cretinism, goiter, exopthalmic goiter. diabetes,Addison's disease).
(Imp: Diseases and disorders mentioned above to be dealt in brief)

UNIT 5: Human Physiology
🪽Breathing and Respiration : Respiratory organs in animals (recall only); Respiratory system in humans: Mechanism of breathing and its regulation in humans-Exchange ofgases, transport of gases and regulation of respiration Respiratory volumes; Disorders
related to respiration-Asthma, Emphysema, Occupational respiratory disorders.
Human Reproduction: Male and female reproductive systems; Microscopic anatomy of testis and ovary: Gametogenesis-spermatogenesis & oogenesis; Menstrual cycle;
Fertilisation, embryo development upto blastocyst formation, implantation: Pregnancy and placenta formation (Elementary idea); Parturition (Elementary idea); Lactation(Elementary idea).

🍂Reproductive health: Need for reproductive health and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STD); Birth control-Need and Methods, Contraception and Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP):; Amniocentesis; Infertility and assisted reproductive technologies - IVF, ZIFT, GIFT (Elementary idea for general awareness).

Animal tissues: Morphology. anatomy and functions of different systems (digestive,circulatory, respiratory, nervous and reproductive) of an inseet (Frog). (Brief account

UNIT -5 Human Physiology
Locomotion and Movement: Types of movement- ciliary, fiagellar, muscular; Skeletal muscle- contractile proteins and muscle contraction; Skeletal system and its functions.
(To be dealt with the relevant practical of Practical syllabus); Joints; Disorders of muscular and skeletal system-Myasthenia gravis, Tetany, Muscular dystrophy, Arthritis,Osteoporosis, Gout.

UNIT 5: Human Physiology
Chemical coordination and regulation: Endocrine glands and hormones; Human endocrine s ystem-Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Pineal, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Gonads; Mechanism of hormone action (Elementary Idea); Role of hormones as messengers and regulators, Hypo-and hyperactivity and related disorders (Common disorders eg. Dwarfism, Acromegaly, Cretinism, goiter, exopthalmic goiter. diabetes,Addison's disease).
(Imp: Diseases and disorders mentioned above to be dealt in brief)

UNIT 5: Human Physiology
🪽Breathing and Respiration : Respiratory organs in animals (recall only); Respiratory system in humans: Mechanism of breathing and its regulation in humans-Exchange ofgases, transport of gases and regulation of respiration Respiratory volumes; Disorders
related to respiration-Asthma, Emphysema, Occupational respiratory disorders.

🦞Body fluids and circulation: Composition of blood, blood groups, coagulation of blood.Composition of lymph and its function: Human circulatory system-Structure of human heart and blood vessels; Cardiac cycle, cardiac output, ECG, Double circulation:
Regulation of cardiac activity; Disorders of circulatory system-Hypertension, Coronary artery disease, Angina pectoris, Heart failure,

UNIT- 5: Excretory products and their elimination : Modes of excretion - Ammonotelism.ureotelism, uricotelism; Human excretory system-structure and fuiction; Urine formation, Osmoregulation: Regulation of kidney function-Renin-angiotensin, Atrial Natriuretic Factor, ADH and Diabetes insipidus; Role of other organs in exeretion; Disorders:; Uraemia Renal failure, Renal calculi, Nephritis; Dialysis and artficial kidney.

UNIT 5: Human Physiology
Neural control and coordination: Neuron and nerves: Nervous system in humanscentral nervous system, peripheral nervous system and visceral nervous system; Generation and
conduction of nerve impulse;


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