This Wife Pushes Husband Off Cliff! The Disturbing Case of Cody Johnson. True Crime Documentary.

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This Wife Pushes Husband Off Cliff! The Disturbing Case of Cody Johnson. True Crime Documentary.
On July 11, 2013, 21-year-old Jordan Linn Graham led a car with her foster brother, Michael, and her close friend, Hannah, up Going to the Sun Road, a 30-mile stretch of narrow winding path leading up to a treacherous mountain overlook in search of her husband who’d gone missing on July 8, 2013.

Following a mysterious hunch by a suspect Gmail account, ‘carmantony607,’ they were searching Glacier National Park for signs of Cody Johnson, who some unnamed friends have supposedly seen go off a cliff. Cody’s relatives and friends searched the park alongside the potential widow, It took a particularly brave FBI agent tying himself to a tree and leaning over the edge. The body belonged to Cody Johnson.

These were the questions that hounded the Kalispell police department for days to come. Life was pretty much perfect for Cody. The only thing missing was somebody to share that life with. At 23, Cody was in the market for a life partner. He talked to his friends about wanting to marry a church girl, and on Halloween 2011, he met Jordan.

Jordan and Cody hit it off when they met on Halloween 2011. They started dating officially in November 2011, and Cody was entirely taken by her. so he searched the house looking for hints as to where Cody and Jordan could’ve disappeared to with very little success. Cameron’s worry morphed into fear when he found Cody’s phone in the garage.

Cameron went to the police station immediately to file a missing persons report, and the authorities took the case seriously from the get-go. He found it strange that it was his boss who reported him missing, not his wife. She told the police what she’d told Kimberly and expanded further.

As for the reason for his disappearance, Jordan claimed she thought Cody was likely joyriding with his out-of-town friends. When the police pressed about why she didn’t report the disappearance, she claimed she didn’t want to upset him by filing a missing person report if he was going to come back in a few hours.


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