Tom Folan The Revival 2010

Описание к видео Tom Folan The Revival 2010


Yo everyone!

Firstly I just need to apologise for the huge amount of time its taken for me to this video. As some of you are already aware, I suffered with a really bad hip and knee injury for about 7 months. This was without a doubt the most frustrating time of my life. In late June the injuries began to improve so I could start training again. Unfortunately, because I hadn't freestyle for such a long time I had to re-learn so many things and adapt my style to avoid the return of the pain. On top of this, my camera decided to break, so I was cameraless for about a month. In this time I decided I wasn't happy with the stuff I'd already filmed, so pretty much started again from scratch!

Anyway! Enough excuses. Here is my new video. I really hope you enjoy it!

I want to say a special thanks to everyone who has stuck with me and supported me the past few months. Especially Renato Gonzales and also my beautiful girlfriend, for helping me through the hard times. I am where I am now because of you :)



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