For Sales : The Grande - Tophouse A2310 of Phu My Hung Residential

Описание к видео For Sales : The Grande - Tophouse A2310 of Phu My Hung Residential

The Grande - Midtown - Tophouse (Block A - Floor 23 - Apartment No.10)

Hand-over on 20th June 2019

Unfurnished Tophouse with Floor - Ceiling and Wall Finishs
All are high quality materials
Facilities and amenities are provided by Phu My Hung, 5-star-living quality.

This property is on top of Floor 23 of the Grande Building. It is one of the best project in design and high standard from co-investor of Japanese Sumimoto / Daiwa house / Phu My Hung corporations

For housing inspection or price request, please do not hesitate to let me know :

Kenneth Vu
Sales and Marketing Manager
Contact : 09-8819-6819
Email :


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