چترال کے شہر دروش کا بازار | Drosh Bazar | KPK Drosh Bazar | Beautiful Amazing Traveling to Drosh

Описание к видео چترال کے شہر دروش کا بازار | Drosh Bazar | KPK Drosh Bazar | Beautiful Amazing Traveling to Drosh

چترال کے شہر دروش کا بازار | Drosh Bazar | KPK Drosh Bazar | Beautiful Amazing Traveling to Drosh
#documentary #history #historyofdrosh #historyofchitral #truestory #storyofchitral #bikeadventure #biketour #chitraltour #pakistantour #scariestroad #bikers #bikerz #traveling

Dear Super Subscribers Assalamo-Alaikum
MASTER EYE brings for you the new
videos and some tips and tricks some of them
politics some of them accident and street view
of Karachi City, where I mount a helmet camera
on my helmet so it can record anything for you
as a fun and entertainments.


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