MSFS 2020 - AMAZING flight to Vagar [4K ULTRA settings]

Описание к видео MSFS 2020 - AMAZING flight to Vagar [4K ULTRA settings]

Alltough there is no VNAV yet, the current experimental version of the FBW A320 is promising. The sounds are great and it's a joy to fly. Join me on a Atlantic Airways flight to one of the most challenging airports in Europe; Vagar, Faroe Islands. The ILS 30 Z has a steep -3.5 glidepath and the runway is just short of 1800m in lengtn and only 30m wide.

Next video lined up will be PMDG 737 approach into Split.

PC Specs:
ASUS TUF H370 | Intel i7-8086K CPU @ 4.0Ghz | RTX 3070 Ti | 16 GB DDR4-3000

FBW A320
Freeware scenery from


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