Arthur M Young: Is There a Paradigm Shift? Complete Thinking Allowed program. Host: Jeffrey Mishlove

Описание к видео Arthur M Young: Is There a Paradigm Shift? Complete Thinking Allowed program. Host: Jeffrey Mishlove

Arthur M. Young, best known as the inventor of the Bell Helicopter, is an innovative philosopher and theorist. He is author of The Reflexive Universe, The Geometry of Meaning, The Bell Notes, Which Way Out and several other important books in the philosophy of science. Here he argues that although modern scientists often refer to a "paradigm shift" or new perspective as having emerged with the advent of quantum physics, most actual science proceeds under the same assumptions as always.

Thinking Allowed has recently completed the massive task of remastering and digitizing all 450 programs in our series, which aired on PBS stations across the U.S. from 1986 through 2002.

The new, hi-res programs will be made available in various ways yet to be determined. We begin this access process by making available all of the programs we made featuring Arthur M. Young, teacher and mentor to both Jeffrey Mishlove and to series co-producer/director Arthur Bloch.


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