Disc Rot in My DVD Collection

Описание к видео Disc Rot in My DVD Collection

i use special "strong" permanent red marker that is designed for outdoor and for cars. in some cases, i need to add ceramic sealant to "close" the gap between the "sandwiched" disc layers. since none of this is scientific, i do not claim that this method works. the marker i use is extremely strong that when i accidentally mark the inner part of the reflective layer, the marker damages the disc, so i never suggest this to people. the best way to combat disc rot is still to ensure the low humidity level of your storage area/room.
NOTE [concerning missing link to the video "DVD Skips and Freezes..."]
"i am just sharing"-some people cannot stand me sharing my own experience. i never claim to be an expert on anything [my channel is too small its nothing and currently dying], but some people clearly took this too seriously. i mention my other video "DVD Skipping and Freezing", but due to tons of negative feedback, i decided to take it down. i made that video years ago when i had like 10 subscribers, and did not expect it to gain such traction.
i notice alot of comments of people bashing optical media and also its collectors. i cannot stop them by using arguments because i can never understand their logic of trashing other people's hobby, so i decided to simply ignore them.
i recently tried fixing scratched discs and it works, i wanted to make a video about it because i want to help people who share the same problem...but i decided not to. two years ago, i uploaded old animated videos that are only available in 240p because it's only available on Video CD. and yet, i find tons of comments from people complaining about the resolution, as bold as "this sucks, it's not HD"-like i spent money and time to bring this vintage archive to you, and this is what i get. when i uploaded a cartoon episode in Indonesian, some demand that i upload the english version instead, when i uploaded an episode in english, some demand the Indonesian version. i am confused and decided to stop uploading new episodes [this is on a different YT channel]


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