0x0018 - The Full Office 97 Floppy Experience

Описание к видео 0x0018 - The Full Office 97 Floppy Experience

Druaga1 sent me an "invite.doc" and I needed to open it. Office 97 install time I guess....

If you've seen any of my later videos on this laptop you'll know that I do actually have a parallel port CD drive for it. I just couldn't resist trying out the full experience of installing Office off of floppy disks.

One of the audio channels was cutting in and out this time so I had to change it to mono after the fact and manually rebalance everything.

If you want the thumbnail for personal use such as a wallpaper, I put it up here:
Google Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/2koaS1d98Mz...
Deviantart: https://akbkuku.deviantart.com/art/0x...


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