What is Cooperative Federalism? Cooperative Federalism in Indian Constitution?

Описание к видео What is Cooperative Federalism? Cooperative Federalism in Indian Constitution?

Federalism in India refers to the distribution of powers and responsibilities between the central government and the individual states or regions within the country.
Federalism ~Federation~Foedus~ Treaty or agreement.
Political system that is formed by agreement between the various units.
Features: Division of Powers, Supremacy of the constitution, Written constitution, Rigidity, Authority of Courts.

Federal Features:
Federal Features:
Division of Powers: Schedule 7 & even three tier (73 & 74 Amendment)
Rigidity: Yes~ 368
Supreme Court ~ Authority (dispute of state & Centre)
Written Constitution.

Federal Features:
Unitary Features:
Article 249 empowers the Parliament to legislate with respect to a matter in the State List in the national interest.
Article 246: In case of overlapping or new matter ~ Parliament has the power.
Article 3: Parliament can form and alter the boundaries of the states.
Article 155, Article 156: Governor appointed by the President
Single Constitution
Single Citizenship
Emergency Provision : 356

Federal Features
Is the concept which reflects the relationship between centre & state where they both come together and resolve the common problem with each other cooperation.
New concept.
Centre & State establish horizontal relationship and try to resolve problem with mutual cooperation.
Should work as partners in process of national development.

Federal Features
NITI Ayong
Article 131: SC : Exclusive Jurisdiction to hear case between state & Centre
73 & 74 Amendment
All India Service
Full Faith & Credit Clause (Article 261)
"261. Public acts, records and judicial proceedings.- Full faith and credit shall be given throughout the territory of India to public acts, records and judicial proceedings of the Union and of every State

Federal Features
Over Centralisation
Ineffective Inter State council
President Rule
Trust Deficit
One size fit all approach


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