The Lawnmower Man (SNES) speed run in

Описание к видео The Lawnmower Man (SNES) speed run in

Read more about this run or watch the HD encode on SDA!

Well. Here it is! A finished run of The Lawnmower Man! This run actually looks much sloppier than it is, which is regrettable. There are three major mistakes in this run:

1. Missing the second jump in the factory over the elevator. I was like 1-2 pixels away from clearing it.

2. Crouching too soon on the elevator in the office, making it go back down. If you look closely, I'm actually clipped into the wall. If you crouch at the very end of an elevator it shoudn't go down, but in this case it did. I lost the most time from this error.

3. Getting a bit panicked after the flies in the office and hesitating a bit.

In total, those cost around 11 seconds. However, my luck in this run (except for the Cyber Run) was absolutely unreal. The shooting gallery luck was the best I've ever had, the final Doomplayer fight was great, I got a lot of boosts in the Spy Hunter stage, I got really timely powerups in general (invincibility before the flies), etc etc. I am very happy with that, and that's the reason this run is better than it looks.

All of the deaths and hesitation other than the above 3 notes were completely intentional and required for certain skips/manipulations. The two things I missed that were out of my control were the Cyber Run and the last miniboss skip in the office. The obstacles and space invader pattern in the Cyber Run were too strong this time; the inertia-based physics do not allow me to dodge them as they appear, unfortunately. My execution for the miniboss skip in the office was flawless, but that trick is also luck-dependent. It didn't want to work this time so it didn't. With a perfect Cyber Run (only ever happened once) and a successful skip, this time can drop by an additional 40 seconds or so. That is so absurdly rare that it is not worth expecting in a real run. I did still hate how bad the Cyber Run looks, though.

Anyways, I'm finally done with this game (until the 2P run)! I hope you enjoy it.

(Also, this was the second game I finished for the Bad Game Exchange at SDA. This was what I received from UltraJMan in exchange for Castelian NES)


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