Why birds bite and how to avoid it from happening.. (with subtitles)

Описание к видео Why birds bite and how to avoid it from happening.. (with subtitles)

This video is all about why birds bite and how to avoid it from happening.
Birds bite for many reasons, but it is up to us to understand why and what is causing them to bite.
It is very important that you start to understand your birds body language so that way you can avoid bites to begin with.
If a bird is not able to take flight because it’s wings are trimmed they will bite if afraid of a person, hand or a thing. It’s the only thing they can do to make you understand they are fearful of something. In the wild they would fly to safety, but if your bird is not able to, it will most likely bite without warning.
Most of the time a bird will give a warning by either growling, fluff up head feathers, put there head down or even open up there beaks.
By your bird giving you these indications it does not like something, bites can be prevented all together.
Don’t ever yell, hit or force your bird to do anything, this will only make your bird more fearful and in return bite more. Always use positive reinforcement for good behaviour with treats and favourite foods.
It took me almost 1 year to get Ricco to fully trust me and not be fearful of tickles and my hand. If you work with your bird daily and always use positive reinforcement, your bird will learn to trust you and will want to be with you.


#parrots #birds #indianringneckparrots


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