Jessica Alves had undergone SRS PPV Penile-Peritoneal Vaginoplasty at Kamol Cosmetic Hospital

Описание к видео Jessica Alves had undergone SRS PPV Penile-Peritoneal Vaginoplasty at Kamol Cosmetic Hospital

We would like to introduce Jessica Alves (YouTube Influencer).
Jessica is a European citizen from England who traveled to Bangkok Thailand to have surgery at Kamol Hospital. She was very impressed with the aftercare and nursing staff. Jessica wanted to go to a world-class hospital that specializes in gender reassignment surgeries. Jessica did her research and also three of her friends recommended Dr. Kamol. She is satisfied with the great result and makes her feel like a cis-woman. Please see this video

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Email: [email protected]
#SRS-PPV #PenilePeritonealVaginoplasty #SexReassignmentSurgery #SRS #GenderReassignmentSurgery #Sexchange #SRSskingraft #SRScolon #Peritonealvaginoplasty #Colonvaginoplasty #SRSPPV #SRSzerodepth #skingraftvaginoplasty #Kamolhospital #DrKamol #Plasticsurgery #Cosmeticsurgery #Thailand


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